
3-June-2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

These are a collection of links that I find useful:

Instructions to the MFJ 1899T portable antenna - MUF/foF2 map

An M0CVO small space vertical

Recent QSOs

3-June-2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

About me

30-May-2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

I'm a good definition of a nerd, enjoying the world of computers, radios and other technical stuff. Oh, and aviation of course. 

I got my ham radio licence in Nov. 2021 and got on the air right away on local repeaters and experimenting with APRS and WinLink over VHF. In the end of December, I bought an Icom IC-7300 which I'm very satisfied with. From the day I got the radio, I've been logging QSOs every single day. I'm mostly active on SSB and FT8, but I've also logged a couple of RTTY QSOs. Hopefully I will dare to try CW on the air soon as well. 

My antenna is home made, a fan dipole with 20m-40m-80m elements to a 1:1 balun. My garden is hardly long enough for the 40m elements, so there is some creative shape on the 80m elements - but it tunes and works so who cares? :-)

Other interests are programming, networking, volunteering and aviation. My day job is flight instructor, so hopefully I'll be able to get some /AM QSOs going soon.

My office

The view from my office ;-)



  • Icom IC-7300
  • Yaesu FT-8800
  • AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus
  • Mobilinkd TNC3
  • Other stuff collecting dust right now: GM360, GP380, MD-UV380, KG-UVD1P, CP-UV2000


  • LA1T - Tønsberggruppen
  • LA2Z - Hortensgruppen


  • eQSL
  • LOTW
  • ClubLog
  • Via bureau

I'm not up and running with paper-QSLs yet. Don't hold your breath, due to lack of time I won't send out any soon. 


Locator: JO59cg
DMR: 2420298
(usually monitoring TG242)
-7 for position updates via DMR
-11 for position updates via APRS