Yet another blog about ham radio...

3-June-2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Hey, so you found my blog!

Finally I have something to blog about - all the joy and fun I have with ham radio stuff. I wanted to make a page for myself to keep some tech-notes and stuff so why not make a platform where I can share this with others as well? Isn't this what this hobby is about?

I don't know how often I will post something here, but since I'm logging at least one QSO a day, have thousands of projects in my head and so much I want to do, there should be enough to blog about. 

If you are more curious about me or my stuff, check the About Me page. 

Stay tuned! 73 de LB3CJ


Locator: JO59cg
DMR: 2420298
(usually monitoring TG242)
-7 for position updates via DMR
-11 for position updates via APRS